The training modules in Denmark

The Danish training modules are a coherent concept. The modules refer to each other and to the same theories and work models. At the same time, the modules are independent units and can be followed independently from each other.

The 3 Danish modules follow the European concept with 4 explicit modules loyally, but were adapted to Danish conditions and needs.

The target groups are professional practitioners, as well as managers on level

The Danish modules are designed as virtual trainings, respectively trainings in personal presence.

In any cases, practice-based and practice-directed methods and experiences are used, typically reflected on via research-based kowledge.

The modules use the knowledge, methods and tools, as outlined in the Danish TOOLBOX. The materials are freely available, and the participants are presented for these materials during the trainings. In general, the modules include dialogue with and between the participants, and include aS far as possible also their experiences.

As an example, the module “Vocational maturity & an interactive online tool for self-evaluation” is presented in English (as conducted in Denmark in Danish).

Status: Terminated

Grant: 347.496 €

Project period: October 1st 2018 to March 31st 2021


Funding: Erasmus+