Young people in transition are challenged in many societies, when straying on their way from upper primary school to youth education.

At the same time, these youths are needed desperately in the aging European societies, and the trades are calling out loudly for skilled workers.

For one group in particular, the figures are worrying: youths of 15–29 years who are neither in education nor in sustainable employment, the so-called NEETs. NEETs represent a share of 18.3 % in the EU in 2016 (Eurostat 2017).

In times where inequality in European societies is increasing, the focus on NEETs is even more urgent. Youths risk becoming social outsiders with extremely limited chances of achieving a self-sustaining life.

As research shows, transitions are the most sensitive phases on their pathways: such as starting an educational program, coming of age or losing a relationship.


“Youth in transition” (YIT) wishes to improve the scaffolding of the most endangered sub-group of the NEETs on their pathways. These “young people on the edge” are characterized by a complexity of personal and social difficulties, caused by psychological diagnoses, socially disadvantaged backgrounds, abuse, drugs, crime or other burdens.

For this purpose, policy organisations and practioners in Iceland, Slovenia and Denmark will work with:

  • establishing ”chain responsibility”: tightening the supportive cross-professional network under each individual NEET, from upper primary school to VET – and backwards, involving VET in a cross-professional collaboration to ease career learning for youths.
  • unifying pedagogical approaches and guidance methods in the local ecosystems for working with these youths: education, social work, employment service, administration
  • supplying the professionals with supportive tools and methods

Hamburg Universität will provide ongoing evaluation and quality assesment.

Status: Terminated

Grant: 347.496 €

Project period: October 1st 2018 to March 31st 2021


Funding: Erasmus+