Contact: Ms. Hrafnhildur Tómasdóttir, head of councelling
The Directorate of Labour (VMST) holds overall responsibility for public labour exchanges and handles day-to-day operations of the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Maternity and Paternity Leave Fund, the Wage Guarantee Fund and many other projects connected with the labour market. The Directorate attends to a range of responsibilities including the registration of job-seekers and the calculation and payment of unemployment benefit.
Offering youths in vulnerable situation an early intervention with counselling service and active labour market measures is one of the main targets in the annual strategy for the Directorate of the Labour. The aim is to develop methods and training our counsellors to empower and motivate them with sustainable impact and to develop cooperation with other service providers.
VMST will contribute to and benefit from Youth in transition with two aspects:
a) VMST is involved in employment-policy making.
b) VMST offers counselling to unemployed (young) people, respectively to prevent long-term unemployment for young people.
Thus, the role of VMST encompasses both policy making and undertaking interventions in daily practice. For both aspects, inspiration is needed to furtherdevelop and update knowledge, methods and competences.
VMST will contribute to YIT, working in a local consortium, primarily in close cooperation with experts and practitioners from the Social Service Reykjavik municipality, the VET college Menntaskolinn (Kopavogur) and the VIRK Rehabilitation Center.
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