UU Odsherred

Contact: Mr. Anders Vedberg Hjortlund Jensen, Head of Section

UU Odsherred resigned from “Youth in transition” September 1st. 2019.

UU Odsherred is a part of Odsherred Municipality’s ‘Ungeenhed’ – or Youth Guidance Unit – an interdisciplinary working and cross-sectorial organisation which has a coordinating function in individual cases about young people, who can not be ordinarily qualified for youth education, as well as the construction, operation and development of programs that can train youths in school subjects as well as social and personal skills. In addition, the unit has a responsibility for coordinating and implementing an overall political strategy aimed at getting more young people through an education.

The core task is to increase the number of at risk youth in Odsherred Municipality who receive education and reduce the number of young people receiving unemployment benefits from an early age.

The close connection between the team of educational counsellors and team of ‘Guides´ is unique in Denmark. Odsherreds Ungeenhed has become a national reference case for other municipalities to draw inspiration from, emphasized by a new law, requiring all municipalities to work cross-sectorial with youth not in education nor employment.

The organisation, its development, the methods and practices, will be a relevant study and communication in Youth in transition.

UU Odsherred website

Status: Terminated

Grant: 347.496 €

Project period: October 1st 2018 to March 31st 2021

Contact: euk@kl.dk

Funding: Erasmus+