Contact: Ms. Polona P. Šprajc, senior advisor
The Institute of Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI) is a public institution founded in the year 1995 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and co-founded by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia. In 2018, it has 65 employees.
In accordance with the Organisation and Financing of Education Act (Official Journal, No 12/96), CPI is the central national institution in the field of vocational education and training (VET). It is responsible for cooperation with social partners in the field of VET, to provide support for development, research, implementation of solutions on system and VET provider’s level that contribute to the quality of VET in the context of lifelong learning.
Since its establishment, the CPI cooperates with various ministries, employers, chambers, schools, associations and other organisations. The Government (ministries for education and labour) finance its core and developmental activities also with the European Social Fund (here and after ESF).
In Youth in transition, CPI will further develop and upgrade previous activities and project results with focus on career management skills.
CPI will also support the partnership with expertise in the fields of lifelong career guidance and prevention of school dropout. CPI will contribute with its experiences in research and strategy development, teacher training, cross-sectoral national level cooperation, and policy development.
Beside the contribution on international level, CPI will cooperate locallly with the second Slovenian partner Cene Štupar in order to adopt the project results to the national situation and to implement the project results sustainably in Slovenia.
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Funded by Erasmus+